Validate Existing Password when Changing Password in CakePHP 4
Some of the top free places to find icons for your websites & development.
Free, Website Tools
This is a quick example for PHP in implementing reCaptcha (v2)
These examples show the differences in inserting records when in CakePHP3 & CakePHP4.
CakePHP, CakePHP3, CakePHP4
Read & Write Cookies in CakePHP 3
Execute any custom parameterized query or SQL statement in CakePHP.
CakePHP, CakePHP3, CakePHP4
This article describes my trek with Notion, and how I use it / recommend it for productivity, managing tasks and notes.
Editing Templates, etc. for Bake in CakePHP3 & CakePHP4
CakePHP, CakePHP3, CakePHP4
This example shows you how to create a form, the javascript, and the php to handle resizing images before posting to the php file, which saves the original and resized base-64 standard form fields generated.
Jquery, Javascript
Get a Unique ID in PHP
When using the CsrfProtectionMiddleware, this will demonstrate how to remove CSRF protection. Useful when handling some AJAX calls that need to post keys, such as captcha or payment APIs.
cakephp, cake4
This example shows how to send an email from within a method in your controller.
The top websites with free photos, images, illustrations and videos for your use.
Website Tools, Free
This is an example on how to get the webroot from within a Cake layout or template.
cakephp4, cakephp, CakePHP3
This example shows you how to get a customer list from an authorized Square Account
Square Payments
This example shows you how to use a model (e.g. $this->Load('Model') ) from within a component, so you can use models like you would in a native controller.
cakephp4, Components
How to Fix Error: CSRF token from either the request body or request headers did not match or is missing.
This describes how to clear your cache for a website to address the Missing or invalid CSRF cookie issue.
Support, Chrome Browser
This CakePHP 4 component lets you easily handle cookies. This example sets a unique ID cookie.
This demonstrates how to lengthen or shorten the session timeout for a logged-in user, in CakePHP. This functionality controls when the user's session times out.
CakePHP, CakePHP4, CakePHP3, CakePHP2