Adding HTML to a link in CakePHP 3
Get Items to Populate a Dropdown in CakePHP 4
This example shows you how to use an origin table to create a new table, and populate the new table with contents from the origin.
MySql / MariaDB
Components are re-usable bits of code you can call anywhere throughout your application.
CakePHP, CakePHP4
This snip shows you how to get server and environmental information in CakePHP4.
This example shows you how to reference another component from within a separate component in CakePHP 4. For example, you can call functions in Component A from Component B.
CakePHP, Components
Simple example of getting locations from Square, using CURL & Get with PHP.
This example shows how to get Querystring parameters from a URL.
Get insert id from last added record in CakePHP.
CakePHP, CakePHP3
This describes how to get user information for the logged-in account in CakePHP4
This example shows you how to throw an error in CakePHP4
This example shows how to the get name of the controller or method in CakePHP3
CakePHP3, CakePHP
These examples describe how to install the AWS SDK for PHP with composer, and utilize S3.
cakephp4, AWS, CakePHP
Render a different view in CakePHP. Sometimes you want to use a different view, other than the default CakePHP uses.
This example shows you how to use CSS to replace the spinners / incrementers on HTML5 number-type fields.
Access Methods From Another Controller in CakePHP3
Copy one table from another, across databases with MariaDB / MySql.
MySql / MariaDB
Hashing a password in CakePHP3
CakePHP 4 Using an app.php or app_local.php Variable in Components or Controllers
This example shows you how to get the count of records within the last 7 days. In our table, we have the full date and time; This example shows all records for a complete day, grouped by day.