Override the CakePHP maximum of 100 records in pagination.
CakePHP, CakePHP4
These examples describe how to install the AWS SDK for PHP with composer, and utilize S3.
cakephp4, AWS, CakePHP
This example shows how you can get the current routing prefix in CakePHP.
This example shows you how to reference another component from within a separate component in CakePHP 4. For example, you can call functions in Component A from Component B.
CakePHP, Components
This example shows you how to use a model (e.g. $this->Load('Model') ) from within a component, so you can use models like you would in a native controller.
cakephp4, Components
CakePHP 4 Using an app.php or app_local.php Variable in Components or Controllers
This CakePHP 4 component lets you easily handle cookies. This example sets a unique ID cookie.
Write and read cookies in your CakePHP 4 app.
CakePHP, CakePHP4
Use an alternative prefix in CakePHP4. For example, you can have separate folders for different functionality by user role, and you can use this method to separate functionality (actions / methods) for specific purposes, in separate controllers.
CakePHP, CakePHP4
Joining a single table on multiple fields in CakePHP 4, for example, join the users table on created_by and modified_by fields.
CakePHP 4, CakePHP
Validate Existing Password when Changing Password in CakePHP 4
Get Items to Populate a Dropdown in CakePHP 4
How to use CakePHP Bake Features to generate your models, views (templates) and controllers, automatically!
Cake Bake, Cake Bakery, CakePHP4 Bake
These examples show the differences in inserting records when in CakePHP3 & CakePHP4.
CakePHP, CakePHP3, CakePHP4
This example shows you how to change the layout in CakePHP4
CakePHP, CakePHP4, CakePHP3
Editing Templates, etc. for Bake in CakePHP3 & CakePHP4
CakePHP, CakePHP3, CakePHP4
How to fix the 1366 incorrect string value "\xE2\x80\x8B} ... error.
MySql / MariaDB
Format a date to YYYY-MM-dd from object(Cake\18n\FrozenTime)
Execute any custom parameterized query or SQL statement in CakePHP.
CakePHP, CakePHP3, CakePHP4
This demonstrates how to use multiple joins in your CakePHP database calls.