Reference another component from within a component in CakePHP 4

Referencing components in CakePHP 4 from within another component

This example shows you how to reference another component from within a separate component in CakePHP 4. For example, you can call functions in Component A from Component B.

First, load your component in your CakePHP app. 

One method to do this is to add the following to your initialize function in AppController.php:

public function initialize(): void {


Next, reference the loaded componentAComponent (/src/Controller/Component/componentAComponent.php) from within componentBComponent (/src/Controller/Component/componentBComponent.php)

First, In componentBComponent.php, load componentA in your Constructor or initialize function, by adding the following:

function __construct() {
     $this->componentA = new componentA();


Now, you can use componentA within your componentBComponent.php, like follows:

function myFunction() {
     $someValue = $this->componentA->getSomeValue();


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