Using Amazon S3 with CakePHP

This describes how to install the S3 SDK with composer, and utilize S3

Install the AWS SDK in CakePHP:

From the folder of your project (e.g. c:\www\your-site), run the following command to install the AWS SDK into /vendor/aws/* and make available in your CakePHP4+ app:

composer require aws/aws-sdk-php


Next, you can use the S3 client as follows:


Set Up Your Client:

$s3Client = new S3Client(
          'region' => 'ur-region-name',
          'version' => 'latest,
          'credentials' => [
          'key' => 'key',
          'secret' => 'secret',


Make a Call to S3:

// List the objects in the bucket
$objects = $s3Client->listObjects([
    'Bucket' => 'bucket-name'

// Print the object keys
if(isset($objects['Contents'])) {
    foreach ($objects['Contents'] as $object) {
        $s3files[] = $object;
    return $s3files;
} else {
    //debug('no objects in ' . $aws['bucket'] . ' bucket');
    return false;


Other Resources:

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