Masking Text Effect in Photoshop
Masking Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 1: Open the Photo you want to use as your background in the text.
Step 2: Using the type text tool, enter the text you want to show, in this case, we are using "OKC"
Step 3: Create a White Background Layer
If you have a background layer, simply convert it to a layer by double-clicking. In this case, we named ours "BG".
If you don't have a background, just follow these quick steps to create the layer we need.
Select Layer->New Layer, Name the layer "Background" for this tutorial.
Click on the new layer to ensure it's selected. Now we will paint the layer white.
On the left toolbar, choose the color white.
Now choose the Paint Bucket tool, and click anywhere in your image. Since you've selected the "Background" layer we created, this layer's new color is now white.
Step 4: Drag the photo layer to the top, above the text and BG layers.
Step 6: With the photo layer selected, use the layers menu, to "Create Clipping Mask"
At this point, you should have an image like the one below:
Now, let's show a bit of the background to give the image some extra life.
Step 1: Make a copy of your photo
Step 2: Move that copy to the bottom, below the BG layer.
Step 3: Click on the BG layer, and change the Fill percent to a lower number, as desired.
Now, you'll have an image like this: